in Central America
First Responders & Medical

Paul has been a paramedic for about 10 years. He is especially gifted in teaching which makes him perfect for giving classes to not only our local lifeguards, firefighters, policemen, and EMTs but those across much of Guatemala as well. These classes teach everything from CPR to water rescue. Paul is a licensed EMS instructor in the state of Texas, as well as an instructor with American Safety and Health Institute. We take great pride in impacting Guatemalan medical professionals’ lives in an educational and spiritual way.
Our medical ministry is also a huge blessing for our families at the garbage dump. Being able to check peoples blood pressures, and blood sugars often times helps us prevent future health issues. Additionally, we are able to treat people more immediately for small health concerns such as cuts, rashes, and colds more effectively and quickly, and our relationship with local doctors and nurses helps making doctors visits for greater health concerns much easier.

Do you have medical experience? Volunteer with us on a mission trip or donate towards our efforts to impact the quality of emergency medical care in Guatemala. We would love to have you!